Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Fibergrate 1-1/2" deep, 1-1/2" square mesh FRP molded grating; Fibertred® stair treads
Resiliency of Fibergrate grating products help reduce worker fatigue and strain on back and legs.
Corrosion Resistant:
Fibergrate FRP products can withstand daily cleanings with harsh chemicals and 180 degree water.
Slip Resistant:
The slip resistant surface of Fibergrate FRP grating and stair treads provided additional worker safety, even in slick conditions.
Application Highlights:
Working on conveyor lines all day can take its toll on even the hardiest of workers. Employees at Emmber Foods in Milwaukee, Wisconsin were experiencing fatigue after standing on solid concrete and heavy non-adjustable galvanized steel platforms all day. Emmber Foods called one of Fibergrate's distributors and asked for a solution. Emmber Foods was also concerned about safety and wanted to purchase a product that would not only ease the strain on the backs and legs of workers but would also provide a slip-resistant surface when wet.
Fibergrate's 1-1/2" deep, 1-1/2" square mesh FRP molded grating was the solution. All of the new platforms, stands, and stairs were designed with Fibergrate's grating in mind. Aided by the gratings' light weight, the adjustable platforms were designed as an integral part of the boning conveyors. Since the platforms are attached to the conveyor, they have no support legs to interfere with cleanup of the floor. The aluminum oxide grit surface and natural corrosion resistant properties of the grating ensure that the product will last even when cleaned with harsh chemicals and 180 degree water twice every day. Fibergrate Composite Structures also provided material for crossover stiles and Fibertred® stair treads for the stiles.