Project Specs:
Location: Montreal, Québec, Canada
Application: Safety Covers for Wells
Product: Corvex® Covered Molded Grating, Dynaform® Structural Shapes
The client (Communauté Urbaine de Montréal) has a waste water production plant on the east end of the Montréal Island. The residue from the plant is incinerated. The ashes from the incinerators are then transported to a nearby open pit quarry to be disposed.
The city regularly tests the water from the residue disposal site. Concrete cylinders are placed in the ground and water samples are taken from these wells as they fill with water. The opening of each well is approximately 6 feet in diameter and can pose a risk to workers, as the wells are 150 feet deep. To prevent accidental falls, the wells were covered with wood, which rots quickly. The rotting wood also posed the risk of water sample contamination. A new solution was required to replace the wood covers.
Fibergrate supplied a light-weight solution with square covers. We attached handles at every corner for easy lifting and provided a trap door to take the water samples. This created a safe environment for workers that was maintenance free and reusable as quarry fills up over the years
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